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Games with Love

About Us

Games with Love was founded in October 2021. However, our passions for game design and development run deep.

Owner & Lead Project Director

Hello there, I am Love. In the past I have made custom games on both the Warcraft 3 World Editor and the Starcraft 2 Galaxy Editor programs. I have also dabbled in Unity developing random scripts and half-completed projects.

After taking a break to become a productive member of society, I have decided to take a risk and do what I've always wanted, by becoming a video game designer. Therefore, I founded Games with Love in the hopes of breathing life into the many passion projects that I have thought up over the years. In addition, I want to use this studio to bring to life the creations of my partners and those that support us.

A sketch of a human-machine hybrid

The Team

Who Are We

We are a team of individuals who enjoy crafting worlds and experiences, even more so than playing the final result. We get a sick thrill from coding for hours and meticulously designing characters and locations. We are world-builders and storytellers, and games are our medium.

To design our games, we utilize both the Unreal and Unity engines. Each engine has features that we aim to take advantage of to create the best possible experience. Therefore, depending on the experience we are designing, we will use one engine over the other.

Our Vision

Our goals are outlined perfectly in our studio's name. We seek to create games with love that everyone can love. Unfortunately, in our opinion, certain aspects of the gaming industry have become more and more reliant on predatory tactics and toxic behavior. We seek to make a small change within the gaming industry by becoming more transparent, inclusive, and supporting developers.

Play Our Games

Our games are crafted with great care to ensure a thoroughly fun, engaging, and enjoyable experience. We work hard on our games and hope that everyone enjoys our games as much as we enjoy creating and developing them.

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