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Games with Love

Writer's pictureLove Games

February Updates

Updated: Feb 17, 2022

February has been a busy year for us at GwL, there has been a lot going on.

We have finished the bulk of design and creation on the second floor of 3D Movement. A video showcasing the first puzzle of the room can be found on our YouTube. We are pretty happy with how it turned out but please let us know your thoughts on how we can improve it or make it better.

Work on the third room will start here in the next few days and will add a splash of water to the game. I cannot wait to see how that turns out.

Below are a few screenshots of the second room and a few out it's puzzles. Enjoy.

Solving the puzzle.

The floor falling out.

Aftermath of the falling floor.

Staircase to the second floor.

The second floor of the second room.

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